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What Are Kidney Stones and Its Homeopathic Treatment

Two kidney illustrations, one healthy and one with stones, denoting homeopathic treatment benefits

The term "kidney stone" refers to clumps formed by crystals that have crystallised in the urinary tract or kidney. All the components necessary to create a stone are present in the urine, but they should all pass through unnoticed. The crystals group together to form stones when any of these chemicals are out of balance. The size of the stone might range from that of a golf ball to that of a sand grain.  The most typical kidney stone in people is often composed of calcium oxalate. There are many Symptoms Of Kidney Stones are seen in many patients who suffer from this disease. Homeopathic Treatment Of Kidney Stones is very helpful for these patients. If you are looking for the best Homeopathic Medicine for Kidney Stones then Doctor Shrimali’s natural remedy provides you with the best solution. What Are Kidney Stones Nephrolithiasis, renal calculi, and urolithiasis are other terms for kidney stones. Numerous dissolved minerals and salts can be found in urine. Kidney stones can occur when there is an excessive concentration of these salts and minerals in the urine. They begin as tiny granules and gradually increase in size to fill the hollow kidney structures. These days all we need to know What Are Kidney Stones and Homeopathic Treatments for this read this article carefully. Some kidney stones remain there without causing any issues. The ureter, which connects the kidneys to the bladder, is where kidney stones can occasionally pass. The stones pass out with the urine if …

The term “kidney stone” refers to clumps formed by crystals that have crystallised in the urinary tract or kidney. All the components necessary to create a stone are present in the urine, but they should all pass through unnoticed. The crystals group together to form stones when any of these chemicals are out of balance. The size of the stone might range from that of a golf ball to that of a sand grain. 

The most typical kidney stone in people is often composed of calcium oxalate. There are many Symptoms Of Kidney Stones are seen in many patients who suffer from this disease. Homeopathic Treatment Of Kidney Stones is very helpful for these patients. If you are looking for the best Homeopathic Medicine for Kidney Stones then Doctor Shrimali’s natural remedy provides you with the best solution.

What Are Kidney Stones

Nephrolithiasis, renal calculi, and urolithiasis are other terms for kidney stones. Numerous dissolved minerals and salts can be found in urine. Kidney stones can occur when there is an excessive concentration of these salts and minerals in the urine. They begin as tiny granules and gradually increase in size to fill the hollow kidney structures. These days all we need to know What Are Kidney Stones and Homeopathic Treatments for this read this article carefully.

Some kidney stones remain there without causing any issues. The ureter, which connects the kidneys to the bladder, is where kidney stones can occasionally pass. The stones pass out with the urine if they make it to the bladder. The ureter can occasionally become blocked by stones, which can be painful. So, This article helps you to know What Are Kidney Stones as well as Types Of Kidney Stones.

What Are the Causes Of Kidney Stones?

Low urine volume

A major risk factor for kidney stones is a persistently lower urine volume. Low urine volume and concentrated, black urine can be caused by dehydration (loss of body fluids) through physical activity, living in a warm, humid area, or not drinking enough fluids. In concentrated urine, there is less moisture to keep the salts dissolved.


The chance of getting stones can be greatly influenced by diet. One of the most frequent causes of calcium kidney stones is a high quantity of calcium in the urine. High levels of calcium in the urine may be a result of the body’s calcium metabolism. Oxalate is present in the most common type of kidney stone (calcium oxalate), and eating a lot of oxalate-rich foods can raise the risk of getting these stones.


Obesity is a risk factor for kidney stones because it may change the acidity of urine, which could lead to the formation of stones.

Family History

Those who have a family history of kidney stones are at significantly higher risk of acquiring kidney stones.


The consumption of specific medications, as well as calcium and vitamin C supplements, increases the risk of developing kidney stones.

Chronic UTI

When a person has a recurrent UTI, larger kidney stones can form. The name “struvite stones” is frequently used to describe these.

Bowel conditions

The chance of developing calcium oxalate kidney stones can be increased by certain bowel diseases that produce diarrhoea (such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) and procedures (like gastric bypass surgery). Large amounts of bodily fluid may be lost as a result of diarrhoea, and the volume of urine may also decrease.

Types Of Kidney Stones

Calcium Stones (80% of the stones)

These kidney stones are the most typical. The two different types of calcium stones are calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. Calcium oxalate is by far the most common type of calcium stone. The chance of calcium stones developing in them is increased when urine includes an excessive amount of calcium. Even when the level of calcium in the urine is normal, calcium stones can still form for a number of other reasons.

Uric Acid Stones

This is yet another form of kidney stone that is common. Large protein intakes from animals can increase the likelihood of uric acid buildup in the urine. Because uric acid crystals do not dissolve efficiently in acidic urine, uric acid stones may develop. The risk of forming uric acid stones increases when a person loses bodily fluids owing to diarrhoea, malabsorption, and specific genetic factors. People with a family history of stones are more likely to develop these types of stones.

Struvite Stones

The recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) is linked to these stones. Some bacteria make urine more basic or alkaline, which lessens its acidity. Urine that is alkaline promotes the development of struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) stones. These stones grow swiftly, are large, and frequently have branches. Those who frequently get urinary tract infections (UTI), have long tubes in their kidneys or bladders or have poor bladder emptying as a result of neurologic conditions (like paralysis, multiple sclerosis, and spina bifida) are at the highest risk of developing these stones.

Staghorn Calculus

The name “staghorn” refers to the shape of this particular stone, which resembles a coral reef or a deer’s antlers in that it has branches. This sort of stone is more likely to develop in people who have had recurrent UTIs. They might be made of the mineral struvite, a combination of magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate if they develop as a result of infections. Apart from struvite, the staghorn calculi are composed of calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, or a combination of calcium carbonate and apatite if they are produced as a result of smaller stones enlarging over time. The way the branches of this sort of stone develop can cause it to clog the kidney’s calyces and pelvis, which can result in kidney Stones.

Cystine Stones

Cysteine is one of the amino acids that go into making proteins and is present in various foods. Cystinuria, or having too much cystine in the urine, is an uncommon inherited metabolic disorder. A high level of cysteine in the urine may promote the development of kidney stones when the kidneys are unable to reabsorb cystine from urine. Cysteine stones usually appear in children first.

Homeopathic Treatment Of Kidney Stones

Natural homoeopathic remedies can break down and dissolve kidney stones or help them pass out without surgical intervention, even though kidney stones are regarded as a case for surgery under the traditional style of medicine. In reality, natural remedies have had the most amazing success in treating kidney stone recurrence.

Homoeopathy is likely to aid in stone passage and provide relief from the excruciating agony brought on by little stones. Surgery is a preferable option for the patient if the stone is larger, affected, or if there are several stones. Homoeopathy can still be useful in preventing the return of stones, even after they have been surgically removed. 

The Homeopathic Treatment Of Kidney Stones includes some truly great and powerful natural therapies to treat this issue and significantly reduce its recurrence. Kidney stone treatment with homoeopathic remedies is risk-free, all-natural, and side-effect-free.

Symptoms Of Kidney Stones

Until kidney stones leave the kidneys and pass through the ureters, they typically do not produce any symptoms. A kidney stone that has been trapped in the ureter may restrict urine flow, causing painful kidney swelling and ureter spasms. One may then encounter the following are Symptoms Of Kidney Stones:

  • Renal colic is characterised by excruciating, intense pain on one or both sides of the abdomen (flank area) or in the kidney area in the lower back (medically referred to as the loin’s area). The lower abdomen and groyne are affected, and the pain frequently begins quickly and comes in waves. Pain varies in its level of intensity.
  • A scorching or painful feeling during urination. a constant want to urinate repeatedly.
  • Blood in the urine causes it to be turbid, black, or crimson, and it smells bad. Red blood cells can occasionally be seen in urine in microscopic quantities that are invisible to the human eye.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Men may have soreness at the penis tip.
  • If there is an infection, fever and chills.


Is it safe to use homeopathic remedies for kidney stones?

Ans: Homeopathic remedies are generally considered safe when used under the guidance of a qualified homeopath. However, they should not be used as a sole treatment for kidney stones, especially in cases of large or obstructive stones. Consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive treatment plan.

Should I rely solely on homeopathy for kidney stone treatment?

Ans: Kidney stones can be a serious medical condition, and it’s essential to consult with a urologist or a medical doctor for a comprehensive evaluation and treatment plan. Homeopathy can be considered as a complementary therapy, but it should not be the only approach, especially for large or obstructive stones.

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Dr. Yash Shrimali

Dr. Yash Shrimali

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